Immersion Bibliography Search Results

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Agirdag, O. (2014). The literal cost of language assimilation for the children of immigration: The effects of bilingualism on labor outcomes. In Callahan, R., & Gandara, P.,The bilingual advantage: Language, literacy and the US labor market (pp. 160-181). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Al Otaiba, S., Petscher, Y., Pappamihiel, E., Williams, R., Dyrlund, A., & Connor, C. (2009). Modeling oral reading fluency development in Latino students: A longitudinal study across second and third grade. Journal of Educational Psychology 101(2), 315-329. doi:10.1037/a0014698
Alanís, I., Munter, J., & Tinajero, J.V. (2003). Preventing reading failure for English language learners: Interventions for struggling first-grade L2 students. NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 92–109.
Alberta Education. (1997). But my child is...!. Yes, you can help! Information and inspiration for French immersion parents. Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Education Cataloguing in Publication Data.
Alberta Learning. (2002). Yes, you can help! Information and inspiration for French immersion parents [Handbook] (Revised ed). Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Learning, French Language Services Branch.
Alt, M., Arizmendi, G., & Beal, C. (2014). The relationship between mathematics and language: Academic implications for children with specific language impairment and English language learners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 45(1), 220-233. doi:10.1044/2014_LSHSS-13-0003
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Developmental language milestones. Retrieved from
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2005). (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders. Retrieved from
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2008). Impairment, disorder, disability. Retrieved from
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2009). Child speech and language. Retrieved from
Anderson, K. (2004). The problem of classroom acoustics: The typical classroom soundscape is a barrier to learning. Seminars In Hearing 25(3), 117-129.
Anderson, M., Lindholm-Leary, K., Wilhelm, P., Boudreaux, N., & Zeigler, M. (2005). Meeting the challenges of No Child Left Behind in U.S. immersion education [Bridge insert]. The ACIE Newsletter, 8(3), 1–8. Retrieved from
Andrade, C., Kretschmer, R., Kretschmer, L. (1989). Two languages for all children: Expanding to low achievers and the handicapped. In K. E. Muller (Ed.), Language in elementary schools (pp. 177–197). New York, NY: The American Forum for Global Education.
Andrews, E., Frigau, L., Voyvodic-Casabo, C., Voyvodic, J., & Wright, J. (2013). Multilingualism and fMRI: Longitudinal study of second language acquisition. Brain Sciences, 3(2), 849–876.
Anton, M. (2004). Dyslexia in the immersion classroom [Electronic version]. The ACIE Newsletter, 7(3). Retrieved from
Araki, T., Hirata, M., Yanagisawa, T., Sugata, H., Onishi, M., Watanabe, Y., … Tomizawa, R. (2016). Language-related cerebral oscillatory changes are influenced equally by genetic and environmental factors. NeuroImage, 142, 241–247.
Arnett, K, & Fortune, T. (2004). Strategies for helping underperforming immersion learners succeed [Bridge insert]. The ACIE Newsletter, 7(3), 1–8. Retrieved from
Arnett, K. (2003). Effective teaching in immersion: Helping underperforming learners succeed. Handout for Immersion Challenges Summer Institute, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Arnett, K. (2006). Walk a mile in their shoes: Understanding learning difficulties in core French. Reflexions, 25(2), 7–8.
Arnett, K. (2010). Scaffolding inclusion in a grade 8 core French classroom: An exploratory case study. The Canadian Language Review 66(4), 557-582.




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